15 June, 2011

Brickyard Poster - Vintage Trouble

This is the poster design I've got for the Vintage Trouble gig at The Brickyard on 7th July, what do you guys think of it? Any additions/alterations needed?


  1. Gary, this is awesome!

    If you don't mind me saying I think the "shadow" side of the banner could be a little bit darker. I just think a bit more contrast is needed to highlight the front. Maybe also put some folds in the banner right at the top of the poster, just to keep the look consistent?

    These are all just "silly" suggestions though man. The truth is it doesn't really need them and it looks fantastic as is. I actually want to go see this band just based on your design lol. Great work.

  2. Lol thanks Claire, and also thanks a lot Colin! Unfortunately I sent it off to him just before I read your comment, but thank you very much for the comments though, I would agree with the shadow definitely, and would have to see what the banner would look like :)

  3. Gary, your work keeps getting better and better. You definately have found your own definative style. A true inspiration to us all! Especially me who has no work ethic at all!
